Swans Illusion by Salvador Dali

One of our loyal visitors, Amy Baggetta submitted this cool picture from Salvador Dail. She said that “The unsuallailty of this pic allows the illusion to almost be unseen”. Can you find what’s the illusion in this picture? First thing you notice is couple of swans enjoying their swim. Look again! Can you spot some other animal present in the picture? Only one? Thanks Amy! Others, be sure to check previous cool Salvador Dali illusion that can be found inside “Celebrities Category” as well in the “Multiple Meanings Category”.

75 Replies to “Swans Illusion by Salvador Dali”

  1. If you’re talking about the elephants in the reflection, that’s pretty cool. I can never tell what is an illusion in Dali artwork, there’s just so much always hidden in the art.

  2. I don’t know if my note got to you so I will try again.

    3 elephants in swan reflections,
    man in white shirt and tan pants looking to the left-located under the middle cloud,
    dinosaur skull behind man,
    monkey profile in the water looking left – below the man,
    face in the water looking left-behind the first swans head and neck curve,
    kneeling girl-left edge of picture below first cloud,

    there must be more !!

  3. haha… the name of the painting is “swans reflecting elephants”….

    you could honestly start a whole dali section… he has alot of optical illusion paintings…

  4. i must be an odd one, because i saw the elephants before I saw the swans… i’m also going to agree with Anderson on this one, there are more things in the picture. (I was just to uncreative to figure it all out :p)

  5. DalĂ­ was a truly genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lástima que no todos somos ni pensamos como lo hacía Salvador Dalí!!!!!!!!!!

  6. –ya the obvious swan and the elephants
    –cant see the skull of dino but a whole dino actually(probably being to illusive)below third cloud
    –lot of snakes
    –below and left to the first swan/ elephant there are many things i can see -back portion of horse with tail, a face of ape/monkey, vulture,
    –a monkey on the first tree trunk facing us
    –a boat in the lake
    –a face of monkey in water
    ans some invisible bacterias in air;-)

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  8. Woaaaah~ this is so cool….I noticed the elephants as soon as i saw the picture, but now when i look closely i notice much much more….

    P.S. the tree behind one of the swans looks like a woman with her hand up…..

  9. Yes, there are three elephants. There is also a profile of a young girl to the far left–I’m surprised no one noticed or mentioned that.

  10. I am surprised that none of u have seen the bull! I have had this 20 foot poster on my wall for many years and I have found so much! If u want to see the bull then look on the right hand side at what looks like mountains. Once u sind the Eye u will see the bull! good luck!

  11. Has anyone noticaed that Salvador Dali himself is standing to the left of the pic, facing away from the swans?

  12. this is his anniversary paiting. He dedicated it to his wife. It’s called swans and elephants, because he thought that the most beutiful creaturs were swans, but the ugliest were elephants. If you look at the trees they spell out the word “love”. He also painted him self into the mountain on the left side.

  13. I see a man, a woman, and some elephants. Strangely, I see a form of a lady on one of the trees. Look closely.

  14. i dont know, i might be a little pervert lol, but if you look closely at the clouds in the top left area, you might see something similar to a Blow J…

  15. The person on the left someone said looked like a goat is tha painter himself turned backwords from the swans, Salvador Dali.

  16. I see something that looks somewhat like ‘Yoda’ from Star Wars, in the bottem, left corner.. Anyone else agree.. Or am I going nuts?

  17. does anyone else see the buterfly in the nest enlarge it and look right side you’ll se a camophalaged( sp) butterfy then in the lower left corner there is a side of a face like a shodow you can see the nose and hair it is almost like Fred from Scoby Doo

  18. I see a triceratops on the right top … lava and city form his head … lava going down is one leg … tree is another one. tail is the coast in the background. but I might just be insane.

  19. See the painter himself on the right, his shadow projected on the yellow rock is in the shape of Gala, his wife looking like a gypsy girl (it makes out the head of the triceratops).

  20. You know this painting is called Swans Reflecting Elephants, right? Hardly an illusion. An unusuality is not a word.

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