68 Replies to “Hidden Eagles Enigma”

  1. Of course theres an eagle in the middle of the picture flying. There is and eagle made up of clouds. Theres an eagle next to the clouds (right eye of the clouds). Theres an eagle made up of the mountain (on the left of the main eagle). And I’m still working on it.

  2. This is my first time posting. As long a this site remains clean my children and I can enjoy the great material shown.
    I count 11 eagles.

  3. found 7 for certain, and think found the other three, though not certain on them. Ones not certain about are lower left corner, under the heiiden flying one, I think that’s supposed to be a head (can see the eye), lower mid to right, the rock and tree branch, I think thats another head, and mid right, lone rock in field of blue is the final head.

  4. It is my first time posting as well and I agree with WCES. I think that children sould be able to come on to this sight and not have to have there parent sit with them so the incase and bad pop-up show up, the parents do not have to cover the childs eyes. Because the sight sould be safe. And from my experence with this sight there have nevr been any bad things on it. So if you have been hestating to let your kids go on the sight by themselves you sould not it is compleatly safe. ( no I did not get paid to tell/type ny of thi not even this).

    P.S. I counted 11 eagles .

  5. To Happy Juice: Technically it would be the LEFT eye of the cloud eagle; since we’re seeing it face to face its features are reversed.

  6. I found 10

    1 the obvious one in middle
    2 clouds
    3 mountain in background
    4 left of feet
    5 right of feet
    6 in the moss
    7 lower left corner
    8 top right corner
    9 another in the lower left corner
    10 in the tree

  7. I see sqirrel but only 6 eagles :(
    Does squirrel counts as 2 eagles?? :D
    lots of feathers but not clear pic of eagle

  8. I can c 13 alot of u can c 8 or 10 but look more closely in the mountains and there is loads! there is one quite hard 2 find which ison the rock on the bottom of the screen on the edge look close and u will c the feathers, then the face and then the rest beware your not just looking 4 their face!

  9. I found nine there’s one on the back rock wall actually there’s two but one of them is hard to find the one in the middle how did u guys fing ten?! C ya gotta go baby sis crying

  10. So, I’d like to point out to those who said they found like 13, that’s impossible cause the artist only drew in 10. So congrats you’re now all crazy.

  11. Is there an answer sheet to this? My husband and I have been staring at this for 3 months now and we can only find 9.

  12. I used edge detection program, applied some filter, found 27 eagles.
    just kidding, 3 of them is quite clear, if you found more then be sure you hallucinated yourself by looking at it too much till you see everything in the picture as eagle

  13. I see 5. One obvious one in the middle of the picture, a tiny obvious one in the distance, one made out of clouds, one in the rocks they’re flying by, and one in the rock almost touching the front eagle.

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