Colored Cow Optical Illusion

So I did something extremely important today. I have upgraded this WordPress blog to the newest 2.8.4 security update, just to make sure we’re safe from newest hacker attacks (more here). It took me more than I imagined. After all the work has been done, I had to make sure everything still functions properly. By now all of the widgets should continue to work as previously, but I still need your feedback. Please comment if you noticed anything strange using the site, or had problem seeing illusions in your widgets.

Apart from all this, check our newest optical illusion below! If you stare at the fly sitting in the center of the yellow-blue pattern on the right for a minute or so, and then switch your view onto the fly on your left – you’ll experience one interesting effect! Normally the cow photo looks divided into two different colored surfaces, but if you follow the previously mentioned procedure correctly – the cow photo fill appear perfectly normal. Yes, its similar to our prehistoric colored baby and hydroplane illusions! Please don’t forget to comment how the widgets behave at your end!

colored cow optical illusion

29 Replies to “Colored Cow Optical Illusion”

  1. This would have worked better if the cow photo used a lossless compression like PNG instead of the compression that was used (likely jpeg) which left a lot of compression artifacts, especially along the color border down the center. This leaves a line down the middle, despite the rest of the illusion working properly.

  2. It works almost as well for me by just staring on the left one. I tried both ways and I found by staring at the right pic first I could see that seam down the middle more than if I just stared at the fly on the left pic. Very cool!

  3. It worked better for me when I placed my hand over the cow, stared at the fly and then removed my hand a stared at the cow…very cool.

  4. i could’nt see a damn cow, sorry…and i stared like a minute or so…the idea would be great if it actually worked for me ;)

  5. Everything is working fine. I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I’m happy with what I have. I only speak psychobabble. I’m sort of a techno-moron. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep appreciating it.

  6. hi,
    me not being an expert on optical illusion’s, i wondered if the effect i expirianced was the desired one.
    I saw that the cow seemed coulored, but when i turn to the next image i saw a smiley, is this normal?

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