Brick Wall Body Paint Illusion

Just to inform you, I’m still alive :) I received few hundred more illusion submissions this week – even my dad sent me one! I’ll review them all, just give me few more days before I connect to proper speedy connection point. Concerning my vacation, I’m doing great. The only thing that I miss is my family. For today I uploaded interesting body paint illusion. It looks sexy, but polite – it’s modern art and nothing else. The figure fits well with it’s background, even though not as perfect as piano player and body camouflage did. Hope you like it, see you in few days.

P.S. Disregard typing mistakes, and sentence constructions, since I had just few minutes to post this article. I’m in a great hurry, but still remembered my loyal visitors.

74 Replies to “Brick Wall Body Paint Illusion”

  1. Wow! Very nice artwork! She doesn’t blend in thoug, but still great! It took someone a long time to do this work of art, so no need to be negative! ^^

  2. Nice one. True that it doesn’t blend in as well as some of the others but its still good. Body art illusions are beautifull I look forward to seeing more of them in the future.

  3. though it’s not as convincing as ur previous post, but i still love the way they make all of these art illussion. keep up the gud work

  4. If you like this kind of imagery, check out the books of Joanne Gair- she creates whole books full of this sort of stuff. In particular try “Paint-A-Licious”.

  5. i love these. the talent it takes to paint anyone is crazy. some of the zodiac posts you have are amazing. same with the other ones where the chicks are painted to look like walls and stuff.
    ‘s a shame this one isn’t facing the camera though.

  6. this is about as sexy as two short planks…

    It´s a good body paint illusion, but I don´t like them much

  7. It’s an interesting picture but definitely adult-material. I agree…not appropriate for a Google homepage (where I view the illusions).

    Personally, I like the piano one MUCH MUCH better than this one…this one looks very fake. Perhaps if her hair was pulled all the way up and she was situated correctly in the frame it might be very cool. As it stands, I think she had bricks painted on her for no reason!!!

  8. if you think nudity is inappropriate for kids you must have forgotten that that child was born naked to a naked woman. you must also think the statue david is essentially pornography — the human form is beautiful and should be celebrated not treated as something shameful — for it is the people who feel ashamed of their own and others bodies who most often feel the need to act out and are more likely to be sexually deviant. finally saying this is an excuse to put beautiful women on this site — what is wrong with that — as a straight, monogamous woman i love seeing a beautiful human body whatever the type — so dont diss because you feel inadequate, insecure, or jealous instead feel proud of your own body and hopefully you will be able to celebrate others bodies as well. how could nudity be “wrong” or inappropriate for children when we all come into the world that way and are that whenever we shower or change clothes — next think you know we will say it is vulgar for children to see naked puppies.

  9. “I like it but not appropiate for google home page, kids are watching”

    yep, and they have a butt too. don’t be so uptight

  10. very nice, i like it a lot. althought it’s not quite as good as the others.
    people need to stop bashing on this stuff, if you dont like it, DELETE IT from your webpage!

  11. Any chance there will be a choice of which picture to show for the iGoogle widget?

    I’ve got no strong objection to this.. just found it a bit distracting ^.~

  12. Why is it that they always show the back of a person next time lets see the body illusion from the front :)

  13. Eh… it’s ok. I have seen many body painting instances in which the nudity can be hidden, though they are still nude. I very much agree that it is art, but this is a site in which many of us put the widget in a very accessible place, such as our desktops. We all know it is inappropriate for children to see nudity… that’s just the way it is. Hopefully everyone who is subscribed to this is mature enough to handle it, but their kids are not. It’s not a big deal. That’s just the way it is. No worries!
    But honestly, this illusion would have been way better if she was actually hidden or something. I love the illusions! Keep ’em coming!

  14. “Anonymous sa…

    i agree with number 3″

    You must be from USA? No one else think that a naked body can be harmful for a child!

  15. replying to post number 3
    im a kid and i dont fnk its inappropriate . just like loads of people say its art and art should be valued by every1 even kids.

  16. LoL W are kids and whoever posted the third comment is not aware that some kids are mature enough to handle this, like us!

  17. Everyone should see this. A naked body is as appropiate for children as a clothed one when it’s done tastefully as these. “Sexual oppression leads to sexual deviance.”~~Frank Zappa

  18. i think that is pretty cool especially how real it looks….she could have put on some pants, though….her butt looks weird…how many of you would let someone paint your butt

  19. You can tell she is not naked… the string to her thong looks like a vine and when you lok closely you can see the strings going down her crack and around her waist… Beautiful painting though nicely done!

  20. i would let someone paint my butt. i like being naked infront of people. i love to show off my perfect butt. at a pary one time i lay on my stomach naked on a table let some guys lick whip chream from my buttcrack. they enjoyed it an i did to. one of the guys that licked my ass i gave a blowjob to later.

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