2 Boxers Optical Illusion

I’m almost finished with setting the new site and design, and in the next few days you will witness Mighty Optical Illusions RELOADED! Yes, that’s right – new design, new platform (WordPress), and all your favorite illusions and comments in one place. All the links and stuff will be on the same permalinks (you won’t notice the move), but much faster and nicer than ever! This is probably why the texts and illusions I post lately are crappy, but all this will change soon, when I finish the migration, and concentrate more on the new content.

One thing I need to ask you is to have patience, and report all the broken and missing stuff on the new website, as it will take few days to fix everything properly after I redirect moillusions.com domain to new destination. I found this nice little illusion, and set it to appear in all your widgets. Your assignment is to tell me which of these two boxers is taller? The one who won, or the other poor one – laying on the floor? If you have experience with this kind of illusions, you’ll know the answer before you even finish reading this post!

111 Replies to “2 Boxers Optical Illusion”

  1. they’re the same right???? I’m right aren’t? And your right I have experienced this before…

  2. haha
    they’re exactly the same
    it only appears that way because the artist drew this in such a way that it appears that the winning boxer is on top of the loser.

    So, basically, they E-ZAC-TUH-LEE the same!
    ciao, bella!

  3. It’s because, something like, the human brain always under-estimates the length of lines horizonatally compared to vertical ones as they are easier to process.

  4. I know they are both taller then each other……

    Hmm my arms are as far apart as I am tall so id say the same…..

  5. same–eyes actually have more trouble moving up and down than they do moving side to size, so the extra movements vertically explain why we see vertical lines as being longer than horizontal lines, when in fact they are both the exact same size.
    Hope that helps!

  6. I’m sure it’s supposed to look like the winner is taller, but I think they’re the same height.

  7. It looks like winner taller than the loser,
    I think the two guys are in the same lenth.
    First , the winner in any game will being looked taller than loser.
    In the other hand, the loser lies between the two lines of the conner,seens very limited ,shorter than the winner.

  8. Well, they are the same size. The slanting rof stripes make the one on the ground appear shorter. But this is very effective if you do not know what is happening. First?

  9. Well, of course, that depends on how you measure tall . . .
    By the standard measurement of “tall”–measuring from floor to head–the poor guy lying on his back is very, very short. :-D
    No, actually, I do know the answer, but I won’t ruin it for those who haven’t seen one of these before. Hint: measure both red lines; you may surprise yourself.

  10. really cool illusion.. but it’s pretty obvious they are exactly the same size…
    keep the hard work nice site :)

  11. They are the same, what else? These optical illusions are always like these. I just guessed it from my widget!

    Although there are no comments, I bet I’m not the first, but the first few since you’re busy moving. I have a wordpress blog, too!

  12. they’re both the same size neither is taller or shorter. Great site, keep up the good work.

  13. they’d have to be the same size right? if it’s the type of illusion I’m thinking of :)

  14. there’s a question like this on the optical illusions test, look in category `test`
    btw first comment?

  15. Theyre identical
    I think the winner one looks taller because some people think that the green pants are Part of his body too

  16. Waiting in anticipation for MOI Reloaded. :-)
    Both the boxers should be of the same height (seeing that this is the way these kind of illusions seem to work)..but I find something else queer about the picture…something about the shape and perception of the boxing ring..hmmmm, and maybe because of that, it feels, at least to me that the winner is standing on the loser. :-P

  17. i automatically assumed that they were going to be the same size. but the standing boxer is actually smaller. Great trick… i mean iluuuusion.

  18. Looking forward to the new and improved site. Thanx for all your hard work in giving us, your fans, your very best.

  19. These to Boxers are the same height, the one in red shorts has larger gloves. Maybe thats how he won!! Why is there no ref?

  20. without knowing the answer I would say they looked the same although the one on the floor may be slightly bigger


    Same size. Vurdlak, you should post new ones (I know this one like since centuries ago).


  22. they look the same size to me even without that red line but this really isnt an illusion…

  23. i think its the one on the floor – the room looks tilted- that or they’re both the same.

  24. If those lınes weren’t there, ıt would be more lıke an optıcal ıllusıon.

    —Ilhuıtemoc δ

  25. SPOILER**

    obviously they are the same height

    its a good illusion but its common so yea…

    = – D

  26. woo first comment.. love any illusion and neither of them is the tallest.. there boht the same height

  27. same size =]

    awesome site! i love it! i just found it a week ago and im addicted! Keep up the amazing work!

  28. ummm, they just look the same height. I’m sure the guy standing up is supposed to look taller, but it’s not working for me.

  29. Hi,

    I have found a lots of error in your migration to new server.
    1. I am automatically switching between two servers.
    2. I cant check full article in new website, when i click on picture, the picture will only open, and when i press the back key, i am back to the old server.
    3.one title is appearing at the bottom of many illusions. Just check “Spot the Object” Category for example. “The Virgin Digital Find the 75 Bands” is appearing under most of them.
    4. Some of the illusions are showing html codes instead of titles.
    5. There are two “About” Links on Home page.

    Many more errors i can tell you if you are interested.

  30. this was done once in a skool of infants where they had two identical testubes filled with juice. they aske dthe kids if they were the same and they all agreed. next they poured one into a taller but thinner tube and the other into a wider but shorter tube then asked the kids. somewould say the tall one cause its taller the rest said the smaller as its wider they couldn;t comprehend that they were the same.

  31. Ok those of you that think they are different lengths, well you’re simply either lacking spacial reasoning skills or completely retarded. Aside from the fact that the object of this exercise is to perform an optical illusion you can thereby deduce that they are the same height. And yes children under the age of 5 usually have difficulty with calculating volume as opposed to calculating area which they are much better at. And to the guy that used a ruler and came to the conclusion that they are of different lengths, well let’s face it your just an idiot. Go back to school and but something to assist you in measurements.

  32. If the one standing up is supposed to look taller this isn’t a very good optical illusion at all. First) There are much better ones where people actually get tricked, Second) They have a red line making it even more obvious.
    And webslicer I completely agree, people are being retards to be quite honest.

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