Surreal Paintings by Pieter Brueghel the Elder

This two amazing paintings were submitted by my girlfriend few minutes ago :) It made me real happy to see her interest in my optical illusions project. Both of these were painted by Pieter Brueghel (1525-69), usually known as Pieter Brueghel the Elder. He used that addition to his name, to distinguish himself from his elder son. You’ll often find his name spelled as Bruegel (he spelled it himself like that from 1559 onwards) or even Breugel or Breughel. If you look at both paintings long enough, you will notice many, strange hidden details. Don’t miss the second pictured titled “Big Fishes Eat Little Fishes” that is inside this post. It kinda reminded me of M&M scary movie poster. If you like surreal illusions glaze your eyes on submissions from Paul Parkus, David Dory, Steve Kreuscher… and more inside Escher Inspired category.


16 Replies to “Surreal Paintings by Pieter Brueghel the Elder”

  1. I love the fish one eheh. I like the fish guy with legs on the right side of the picture running away with another fish in his mouth. :P

  2. “wow those r cool. by the way if u hate fish u r missin out on sushi greatest food ever next to steak”

    i concur. u r my soulmate.

  3. The fish one’s sort of creepy, especially because of the fish man running away with a fish in it’s mouth, the fact that the man is cutting the fish open with a giant knife, and the flying fish who looks like he’s going to eat the man with the ladder.

  4. Woah! Those pics are awesome!. In The first one i saw a face on the left and eyeballs everywhere! On the second one i saw that the man on the left in the fishing boat had a fish head. And on the right in the second one i saw a fish with legs!. Great pictures!

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