Smoking Bird Optical Illusion

Sunday is upon us once again, and the question you all may be asking yourselves is what you plan on doing today. Sunday is the last day of the weekend, and getting outdoors is the best way to celebrate that fact. Perhaps, you all want to head outdoors to see something in the natural world. Take a look at today’s optical illusion picture, and you will see something that is going to blow your minds because it is a bird that seems to have smoke coming out of its mouth.  How did the smoke get there with the bird? Is it just a really cold morning, and the smoke is actually just steam coming from its mouth or is it just a clever optical illusion? Though no matter how this picture was done, its so cool to see this bird with smoke coming out of its mouth.

Smoking Bird Optical Illusion

Ready to see a really cool image of the famous John Lennon made out of coffee beans? You all do have to admit that the image is really cool, especially the fact that the coffee cups make up the sunglasses that John Lennon wore in the famous photo. We know you all are going to have a great Sunday, and we will talk again soon.

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