Dolphin In the Sky Optical Illusion

Saturday is here, and the winter is finally hitting in some areas. When the weather is cold, the birds all tend to head south to go someplace warm, and birds everywhere are migrating to a warmer climate.  Sometimes when birds all flock together, they can form interesting patterns in the sky. Today’s optical illusion is all about flocking birds, and it looks like they are creating a giant floating dolphin in the sky. What do you all think? Can you see the dolphin or not? It also looks like the dolphin is pulling what looks like a large sleigh or maybe something else, but it’s still amazing that these birds formed a pattern that looks exactly like a dolphin.

dolphin in the sky optical illusion

Ready for other interesting things found in the natural world? Look at these women who look like they are part of the trees, are they really formed from the branches naturally or is it something else like Photoshop being used? There are a lot of really amazing things about the natural world, and these illusions prove that they can even form to look like people sometimes. Well, today is Saturday, the weekend is here, and even if the weather is cold outside, be sure you all do something fun and exciting!

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