
What are widgets? I write this little info for those of you who know nothing about them, so you can benefit. They are little useful applications you can place on your PC or Mac desktop and have them show you our newest optical illusion every day. I write this because finally yahoo fixed our PC widget, and you can download it from here. It works now, so please comment your experience. Below you can see how the widgets look in action on PC, Mac and Google Homepage. Be sure to download our newest version:

Optical Illusion Of The Day

PC Version (4.0): Download | Info
Mac Version (4.0): Download | Info
Google Homepage (4.0): Download | Info

13 Replies to “Widgets”

  1. Mac OS X = Widgets.
    Windows Vista = Gadgets.

    You think Microsoft would wanna get sued again?

  2. I am currently using the Google Gadget, but I intent to make the switch from PC to Mac soon. I’ll see what the Widgets are like then…

  3. mighty optical illusions came to my attention through the mac os X widget i downloaded from the mac-widget-collection.
    keep it up! ;)

    by the way: mac os had them first!

  4. I used to use Yahoo Widget Engine, but I found it consumed far too much resources; I switched to KlipFolio. Shouldn’t take much to make a widget for that.

  5. I use the Google one., XD Just easier for me, keeps my desktop clean . . . I only have 2 icons . . .>.> so internet based works perfectly for me. ^^

  6. yh alredy had it on google homepage so didnt need this but oh well.
    wen i tried downloading the desktop 1, it didnt work anyway.

  7. Macs r soo much better than PC it took Mircosoft 5 years to put out Vista where as Mac puts out a new program every year

  8. Actually nik, what became Yahoo was first. It was called Konfabulator. Apple ripped them off, then Konfabulator was bought by Yahoo. Now Microsoft is ripping them both off.

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