Shadow Letters Illusion

Being so illusion-concentrated, I sometimes tend to forget about real-life manners, thus “successfully” overlooked the fact there were holidays I should have mentioned and congratulated upon. Not to mention how nicely it would be if I temporarily re-designed our homepage and logo to reflect the snowy and Santa-Claus atmosphere

I apologize for that, mostly because of my manners, but also lack of skills and additional staff… So here it is: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Now let’s return to our topic. To see the genius of Belgian artist Fred Eerdekens, the lighting is very important. That’s because Eerdekens’ work relies on the shadows cast by sculptures — which are made of bent wires in this example — to unveil the hidden message to the viewer. Can you read all of the Eerdekens messages? What do they say?

29 Replies to “Shadow Letters Illusion”

  1. “could suggest something vague (vogue?) and” & that’s all I can make out in the first one. Would love to see a better picture.

    2nd one says “minimum”

    very cool

    1. also the writing comes out quite pretty, much better than my own. I write like a 3rd grade boy (assuming 3rd grade boys have terrible handwriting) :)

  2. The first one is:
    ‘Could suggest something vague and undies…’
    And the second one says:

    Either that or I cannot read what that is.

  3. Thats amazing! WOW!
    And Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you too Vurdlak! Dont worry so much about it, we forgive you lol.

  4. Well I probably could read it all, but from that angle it’s too small to see! Really neat concept though. I like “minimum” made from just a slightly warped coil best.

  5. its amazing how people can use such a natural substance of a two dimensoinal figure to create such a wonderis masterpiece, many people attempted to create this effect that’s I know for sure but the creativity of these illusions are truly spectacular

  6. First one “Could suggest something vague and unclear.” the other words are too blurry.

    Second one “Minimum”

  7. First one ends with “Oh my nothing but words”. Could be wrong, since it was vague and unclear.

    See what I did there?

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