22 Replies to “Rainmaker Illusion”

  1. the image is alright, would have been nicer to see more detail in the statue rather than mostly shadow.

  2. You people are soooo picky!!! Wanting to see more detail in the statue – isn’t it just the position of the clouds. Wise up, can you not just give credit where credits due? You can’t see detail because that is the position the pic HAD to be taken to give that illusion, therefore you get shadow. And YES that was the position of the clouds that day!

  3. yea but the thing is if the statue was playing a flute it wouldn’t have the effect That is pretty much a bugle

  4. this statue freaks me out coz of that doctor who episode weeping angels.
    nah just being over dramatic. anyway cool illusion

  5. you can’t ask for more detail in the statue!!
    it’s a there and then thing those clouds will eventually move by the time the statue is out of the shadows.
    great picture, very clever.
    nice work.

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