Optical Illusions Musem

Am not sure about origin of these two pictures (the other one is inside this post), but it’s somwhere in a museum dedicated to Optical Illusions, as I heard. Try to figure this one out, it’s practically the same as “Dwarf and a Giant” magic trick I posted earlier. How come the person standing right in the room appears much bigger then the other standing left? … But when they change positions, it’s different case..

26 Replies to “Optical Illusions Musem”

  1. Yeah it’s a museum. The way the room works is that the left side is let’s say 10 feet deep but the right side is 20 feet. The door on the left is say 5 feet high but the one on he righ 10 feet. That’s how the illusion is made

    1. ive built one of these before, a model for my physics class, this also was on this movie called temple.

    1. cool i would have never figured it out. actually when i first saw this, i thought one person was unusually tall or one person was unusually short and the ceiling was low. huh. well whadya know.

    2. It looks like two pictures are fused together the lighting is not correct on left side of the screen.

  2. @Carey: Don’t have to be, we have a museum in The Hague in Holland with a room like that too, it’s the Escher Museum.

  3. yeah that’s a place in new zealand, it’s full of things like that.
    ive been there and it is mighty good.

  4. I heard that they make the cameras far away and then they make them really close….. i dont know how to explain it. but its possible that they did it that way.

  5. For both the recent and original movies of “Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory” and for the television shows “Batman”, “The Time Tunnel”, “The Avengers” and “The Prisoner”, many special effects sequences and sets were made and designed that relied on these types of physical perspective optical illusions to convey an effect or atmosphere in the story. There are a number of science and technology museums, as well as movie and television museums in Los Angeles, Hollywood and Las Vegas, that have exhibits dedicated to these kind of perspective illusions.

  6. Actually I think it has more to do with the squares on the floor. The ceiling yes, but the squares must be there for a reason.

  7. i have been there! its just outside wanaka in new zealand its an awsome place i would highly reccomend it to anyone!

  8. Wow, 2010 already? to think this website had come all the way, good pic tho. And gravatars r cool :) and id certainly like to be at that place.

  9. it has lots of destortions to the room that the human eye cannot locate..its either called the crimson room or ______ room… i forgot!? ugh its at the tip of my tongue!anyways… the person isnt growing or shrinking… the person isnt doing anything but walkin.. ITS THE DOING OF THE ROOM O.O! T.T I WANNA GO SO BAD! IM OBBSESSED WITH PRETTY LITTLE LIARS, PRETTY LITTLE LIARS BOOKS,READING, TWILIGHT, TWILIGHT BOOKS, CLOTHES. AND OPTICAL ILLUSIONS!!!

  10. I finally figured it out. i guess the squares on the floor are actually steps from right to left gradually lowering…

  11. It’s called the Ames Room.
    It is really trapezoidal shaped, not square. the small person is really much farther away, but it appears as though she is closer. When something is far away, it looks smaller. So the small person is really far away (looks small) but it doesn’t look like she is. The big person really is where she appears to be.

  12. I was wondering how can I submit a couple of illusions for the book. I enjoy all the illusions that you folks show here. Incredible. Keep up the good work. Thank you very much…..enjoy the day!

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