Little Graduate With a Big Hand Optical Illusion

Hello everyone, and hope you all are having a great Sunday.  In this month of December, colleges all around the country have graduation ceremonies, but sometimes elementary schools have graduation ceremonies too! Take a look at today’s optical illusion, which features a tiny little graduate, but there is something not quite right about this little boy. Do you all see that he has a giant hand? Perhaps his mom ate something unusual when she was pregnant that made his left hand grow faster than his right hand, or perhaps, it is just a trick with the camera, but either way, he has one hand bigger than the other!

little graduate with a big hand optical illusion

Ready for an optical illusion that just might make you think twice about the next sandwich you eat? Sometimes at work or school, people bring their own lunch, and that lunch ends up getting stolen. However, this new anti-theft device for sandwiches will guarantee that no one will ever steal that sandwich again! Check out how nasty this sandwich bag look because it makes the sandwich inside of it look like it has gone bad! Though it may seem a little on the nasty side, the use of this special moldy looking bag just may save people from having to starve at lunchtime. Happy Sunday to you all!

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