Don Quixote’s Unreachable Dulcinea

Spanish reader called Checri, sent me this interesting story. I’m familiar with Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes, but anyway found his email informative.

Checri wrote: “I’m fanatic of your site, very fun, congratulations. My English is not very good, but I can try. I have a friend and he is a amateur photographer (German Torres Nieto). He took this picture at Buenos Aires, Argentina. As you can see, it seem that El Quijote is trying to reach a beautiful girl. If you don’t know about El Quijote, please, let me tell you that is a book written by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. He is for us – Spanish and Argentinian people like Shakespeare for you. In fact, El Quijote de La Mancha is the greatest book for us. Don Quijote -he- was a big dreamer and as any gentleman of 15 century, he is moved by a very big love, a woman called “Dulcinea del Toboso”.

The true is that Don Quijote never had anything from Dulcinea. She is just an
illusion, but every act of Don Quijote, is moved by his greatest love, Dulcinea. So, in this picture you can see a statue of Don Quijote trying to release him. This is a real statue, and, looked from the right angle, you can see a publicity picture. It seems that Don Quijote is trying to release him in order to reach Dulcinea. The tittle of the picture “inalcanzable Dulcinea” means “Unreachable Dulcinea” I hope you like it.”

15 Replies to “Don Quixote’s Unreachable Dulcinea”

  1. I don’t really understand this…. can anyone explain?

    Oh and keep up the great work! I really like this blog. ^^

  2. That is kinda cool, its as if the shadow completes the sculpture, though i find it ironic what is right in front of him…

  3. ooh… the shadows are supposed to complete the picture… took me a while to get it! hehe…

    and looks like the lady is pushing the man… quinto? off the horse.

  4. stupid. why do they even need the billboard in there? why can’t they put it in my room?! i’d love that!
    and how did you come up with ‘the shadows are finishing the picture?’

  5. uh, it seems to me, that the whole sculpture is in the shape of a hand reaching for the hot chick, like the head of the horse is the thumb, and the tip of the rock is the rest of the fingers.

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