Caught! Optical Illusion

I am not really sure if this counts as an optical illusion, but I sure had a big laugh when I saw this screenshot from News TV. Is it only me, or is there a great resemblance between person who is wanted, and the reporter guy? You decide! Please don’t troll this thread with negative comments, since I only wanted to share this funny flick with you guys. Other funny advertisement I found is for the new Superbad movie that is coming out on Blueray disc on 21st of January. The movie was supposed to be mega hit, haven’t seen it yet though! You can see the ad at the bottom of the sidebar.

80 Replies to “Caught! Optical Illusion”

    1. yeah, this is the same dude. He’s black and he aint’ gettin’ no pussy, so he’s the rapist. He’s O.J.’s brother.

  1. hahahahaha…this is hilarious…where did u find that? i need to show it to my friends..ur right- the guy on the photo and the news reporter are almost identical!!!! i can’t stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Old!
    This image has been going round the internet for ages. It’s not funny when you’ve seen it for the billionth time. It wasn’t even that funny 1st time i saw it.

    Also, it’s definitely not an optical illusion. Running out of ideas?

  3. Excussse me merihell, but i thought this was SOMEONE else’s website- not urs to judge! Lets see U make a website as cool as this one- and when you do, feel free not to put this picture on it!

    Pictures Hilliarious~!!!!

  4. Excussse me merihell, but i thought this was SOMEONE else’s website- not urs to judge! Lets see U make a website as cool as this one- and when you do, feel free not to put this picture on it!

    I totally agree with this anonymous person!
    Merihell, you should really learn to respect other people. The person making this website doesn’t have do a great job. But they are anyway. So if it doesn’t meet your standards, well tough luck.

  5. … whoah. I know the person who took that picture. I was really surprised to see it here. That’s really cool though. I agree, it’s not much of an optical illusion, but it’s amusing.

  6. superbad was a SUPER BAD movie. not meaning that in a good way. meaning it in a super bad, absolutely horrible, not worth watching, kick to the face bad!

    don’t watch it.

  7. geeze this is one of the funnyest things ive seen in a long time.

    was this on comedy centeral or was this real?

    anyways lolololololol soooooooo funny

  8. I have to say that – first of all – that promo for Superbad is not PG.. not even PG13. Should it really be on this site?

    Second – yes, i see the resemblance.. hehe.
    I hope that poor reporter didn’t get too much negative mail.

  9. I agree w/ anon#12, some ppl should READ what Vurdlak says, and this is NOT an illusion, it’s a very funny pic.

    LOL this is veeeeeeery funny XD. But the wanted guy is a bit thiner than the reporter (nothing bad)

  10. Very nice- imagine if it was real? Haha! There is a resemblance but the guy in the pic has more wrinkles around his mouth!

    To anyone who said this isn’t an optical illusion: “no s**t!”. If you took the time to read the paragraph above the picture you would have known that this was posted just for fun. Merihell- just because it is old for you that doesn’t mean it is for everyone else and no one asked you to think it was funny.

    Keep up the good work on the website!

  11. @ anon 12 I dont get what everybody goes so WOW about, 95% of the illusions is lame as hell.


    i see no ressemblance at all.

  12. Did anyone read what this guy said? He just posted this as something fun to look at. So it’s not an illusion, but is seems most got a chuckle from it. The site is fun, that is what it was meant to be. Some of you comments just floor me, who do you think you are?

  13. This one’s pretty funny, yeah i agree. But it’s a reeeeeeeeeally old one though… seen it already a longish time ago…

  14. if they’re soo lame Cedric, why are you on this site at all? wat does this say about you?
    nyways i think loadds of these illusions r great… this ones not an illusion i no but i think it’s reeaally funny! well dun!

  15. police sketches are rarely exactly what the man looks like, so this could so be mistaken as the same guy. all the features are the same. its hilarious.

  16. I’m sorry but I have to strongly disagree with most of you.

    Not only is this not an optical illusion, not a funny picture, and not a close resemblance, but it IS a highly distasteful reminder that racism is alive and well in our society. The only real resemblance between the two is they both have a moustache.

  17. they look nothing alike, what do you people think black people all look the same, you’re a bunch of racists

  18. Im a big fan of this website, using the Igoogle widget, but recently the site has been going down hill. This new ‘Illusion’ is hardly that, its not even really a funny picture.

    Like i said, im a big fan of this website and id like to see some more illusions that really make you think.

  19. umm… wen did this harmless jk turn in2 a race debate? Im black and i think they look alike… at that particular still their mouths look similar, similar face shapes, facial hair,similar nose shapes, square forheads(tho da reporter guy is chubbier)… they look alike bt not jus cause they’re both black!!!being blac MAYB adds 2 da likeness but doesn’t mean it’s rascist, jus an observation.gosh. Its like if i sed Kirsten dunst and Julia styles look alike wood dat make me rascist cause they’re both white?

  20. I enjoy this site. This picture is really funny. At first glance the reporter and the sketch do look similar. I don’t belive it is the same person. It’s meant as a joke so it doesn’t make since to over analyze it. The really funny part is the expression on the reporters face. As for the racism comments you people need to get over it, I have read all the comments and I must have missed the part where some one said all african americans looking alike. Who said that? Why are people always so quick to throw out that racism card? That really annoys me. Personaly I am sure it would be just as funny if it was a reporter of any other race and a sketch that resembled that person. Imagine your watching the news and something like this happens, wouldn’t you laugh your ass off?

  21. I don’t think anyone here was intentionally trying to be a racist or make any racist comments. No, they do not look exactly alike; yes, there are similarities (and more than just a mustache). No one here said that all black people look the same except for the people who assumed that’s what other’s thought- you are the people keeping racism alive with those kind of comments. Everyone has there own opinions and you don’t have to agree. Try to appreciate the lighter side of things.

  22. At a glance, there is a resemblance – enough to make you take a 2nd look. I’m sure he got a few wisecrack remarks about it.

  23. He says it isn’t an illusion. There is no racism in thinking they look alike. My best friend is African American and even he thinks they look alike. What’s the big deal if two people look alike?

  24. This isn’t racist at all…god, grow up…the reporter and the rapist have many of the same characteristics, not all black people look the same wtf…everyone knows that. The reporter and the rapist guy have pretty much the same exact eyes..and hair style…except the reporter has a widow’s peak, they also have the same face shape except the rapist’s is a tad bit skinnier. The rapist is obviously older looking though..but it’s a cant make a perfect sketch. SO it’s not racism, they do have a strong resemblence.

  25. What, you think all black people look the same?

    Yea, me too. And they all know each other, right?!

    Just kidding. Funny picture.
    Silly (kinda lame) ad for Superbad.

  26. Don’t you people READ the captions on ALL the posted illusions. So sometimes it’s not a illusion, Enjoy what the author posts. I for one found this very funny (and a bit scary…lol). He sort of looks like a deer caught in the headlights. (Not because of the glare, because of his eyes)

    Thanks Vurdlak!

    p.s. If you find some of this stuff lame, then… just… go away! Go complain somewhere else.

  27. Man, stop with the “YOU’RE BEING RACIST” comments. You are way too sensitive. Just because the person is black doesn’t mean that it is trying to make fun of black people. It is called SITUATIONAL IRONY.

    The news reporter looks similar to the suspect period! He has a mustache, big nose, and similar haircut. Obviously it is not the same person, everyone knows that. If the reporter was any other race and looked the same as the supect it would be just as funny.

    Get over your inferiority complex.. I don’t view you that way and 99% of the people don’t either. The other 1% are socially retarded, so who cares about them.

  28. i think it is a fcinating commentary that people cry racism because people see a resemblence here. The resemblance is not that they are both black, the resemblence is found in the facial hair, face shape, hair line brow structure and nose shape. These are all very similar and i would assume that as soon as this hit the news someone came to at least question this reporter, as he didnt know in advance he would be reporting on a picture that could well be of him. And who is to say that just because he is a reporter he can’t be the rapist they were looking for. i just wanted to add here that seeing racism everywhere does nothing to further equality. i do not think that all people of any race “all look alike” and i still see at least a 4 point match in appearance. Also since the inset picture is a drawing based from someones memory during a violent attact they would not ever have to be a photo-realistic match in order to investigate, if so, these sketches would be pointless and not done.

  29. Haha victor that’s hilarious

    Awesome picture it’s so weird how it’s almost exactly identical!

    I love it!! :) ♥

  30. i think this is hilarious lol
    and about the whole ‘racism’ thing….i see where ur coming from with it…but they actually do look alike, and she didnt post it there to BE racist u kno?
    idk, i’m just sayin

  31. LOOLErskates! this is a good “illusion” because I didn’t even have to read what you who = vurdlak says to figure out this one! LMAO the resemblance is striking! maybe it’s his brother?

  32. This is pretty funny! And for those saying that those of us that see a strong resemblance are racists, YOU are even funnier. A) NOT a racist. I may even be black for all you know and you be white. And there are strong similarities. If you know anything of art take a close look. The shape of the nose and notice how it lines up exactly to the same part of the eyes in both photo and drawing. The mouth structure and shading on the top lip, etc. All police sketches are done from victims memory only, by the way. The differences are the lines or wrinkles in the drawing and the size of the eyes.
    It is quite funny. Even if it was a white guy! Those that think we are racist because we find it funny, Maybe its YOU that’s racist since you jump the gun. Automatically white people are bad who thinks they look alike. If we said two black identical twins looked the same we’d get slack for it. Just cause its a black guy, oh, we must be racist. You truly are ignorant. It is you that is stuck in the 60’s. I see a man who looks like the drawing. Not a black man, just a man. effers.

  33. I think you hit the nail on the head with that comment,……………. “Those that think we are racist because we find it funny, Maybe its YOU that’s racist since you jump the gun.”

  34. its not being racist if you say they look the same, being racist would be saying you hate black people, saying they look the same is racial profiling or steriotyping so stop telling other people they are racist because they say they look the same

  35. stop making such a big deal about everything! but some peeps think it is racist. i just think it is hilarious! even though they r both black doesnt mean anyone is tryin to hurt feelings here

  36. LMAO at the person who said it doesn’t look anything like the reporter!!! This picture is hilarious, why be so negative?? Sheesh some people … cheer up!

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