Alien Eggs Illusion

Is it only me, or do these eggs spin like crazy! Man, I believe this one was created by optical illusion master, Akiyoshi Kitaoka but can’t tell for sure. There are over hundred variations of this illusion, many of them already posted on Mighty Illusions in the past, but they just keep amazing me. Have you noticed how they always use similar colors? Blue, Green, Black and Red. Do the colors make the secret ingredient? I’ll investigate, you can count on that :) Now I’m going to sleep, but expect more illusions when I wake up. You can waste your time with variations of this topic found in Animations category.

34 Replies to “Alien Eggs Illusion”

  1. Yes! The colors do make a difference. The way our eyes work, and the way the wavelengths of different colors are, red travels slightly beyond the surface of the cornea, while blue stops just shy.

    In other words, reds appear a little in front of the surface we read off, and blues appear a little behind it. That’s why the worst way to write a message is to write in blue on a red background.

    When you arrange these colors in specific ways, the picture seems to “fall off” (from the reds towards the blues”…and if the pattern is large enough….it seems to spin or move…


  2. At first glance for me, it didn’t do anything as Anonymous said, but then I went and looked at the spinning snakes, and when I came back they grew, but didn’t spin o.O

    And I think it is not so much the colour (Though it probably is) but when I dragged down the scroll bar, and you could see the diagonal lines, so I think the exact placement of the circles along the diagonals probably has something to do with it.


  3. really cool, i think it looks nice but i cant see any illusions, im amagician, and i know just a good trick fot you guys. contact me: atcually dont, i dont like people phoning me up.

  4. if u blink really fast whilst looking at the picture it looks like theres little diomans cut outn of ur eyelids…

    Still Fun, and i watched the spinning snakes before i looked at this so uill never see it spinning. its opnly growing.. how do i make it spin?!?

  5. it’s not spinning for me, but i can see them growing like someone else mentioned earlier which is freaky! some peole see nothing, some see them spinning, and others see them growing! scary :S

  6. If it’s not working try klikking on it to make it bigger then u’ll see.

    for me the’re not spinning,
    the’re moving towards me!!!

  7. Dude, it gives me a headache…
    So cool though. Has anyone ever noticed that when you scroll up and down, it kinda scrolls with you?

  8. Eggs? I dont even see anything resembling an egg… just some funny squares. and they do nothing. they just sit there being annoying, lol.

  9. they’re not spinning:~( they’re growing and shrinking! wow! whoever the “citezen” guy is, he/she is really stupid!

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