The Dark Knight Rises Poster

The Dark Knight Rises Batman-Bane Poster
The Dark Knight Rises Teaser Poster

Last summer I’ve showed you an early teaser for the upcoming Hollywood Batman sequel, titled “The Dark Knight Rises“. Now that we’re just few months from the movie being released, let me show you another illusory poster I’ve stumbled upon lately. Those of you familiar with the plot will probably see the illusion faster than the rest, but either way it works great.

Am not 100% certain whether this poster is part of the official campaign, or just some cool fan-art homage to the franchise. Still, you should be able to see both the main character and the villain present somewhere in it. I just hope you like it!

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22 Replies to “The Dark Knight Rises Poster”

  1. I was reading this in my daily feeds, and before I paid attention to the title or examine the image closely, my first thought was Spawn, not Batman, or B*** as i guess the larger part of the image is supposed to represent.

  2. I like the illusion but what is up with the letters and the crease marks from folding in the poster.
    DEH-SHAY BAH-SAH-RAI ??? At least thats what they look like to me. I don’t get that part.

  3. It reminds me of the PS3 game Resistance 3 logo. [img][/img]

  4. I notice there are two charactar
    Batman and Bane (i think that’s his name)
    >>> and then i notice that Gotham is there
    too !!!!

  5. I’ve seen many fan made posters, and despite looking like a possible rip-off of the resistance 3 video game, I have to say, that this is the best. I like it alot, and it’s really hard to impress me when it comes to this stuff. Good job Vurdlak, whoever or whatever you are. Seriously, it is awesome. Keep it up.

  6. Hidden eerie images… and so dark hidden motives leading to a cowardly, decidedly unsuperheroic act. Just kind of creepy considering. So sad..and why, what for? Knowing the children were going to be there, that the theatre would be packed @ the premiere. and rolling gas canisters (really?) at the exact time of a violent Gun battle onscreen. Can someone say Im not crazy for thinking this is not one to be numb to????? Then when u bring in that Heath Ledger tragedy, it could become like urban legend just sayin.

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