Count The Orange Spots Illusion

I’m proud to announce that we have started the “Co-editors” beta project. As the title says, there will be some guest bloggers writing articles in the following weeks. The reason I started this, is because there are so many submissions and illusions on my hard drive, that I can’t manage to post them all. This way we’ll have multiple bloggers writing entires for this blog, which means more illusions for you. We already have our first guest blogger, but I’ll keep him a secret until he properly introduces himself. For now this will only be a beta project, but if it works as I imagined (and there is no reason why it shouldn’t), we’ll have more and more posts each day, and probably promote these guest bloggers to full time co-editors.

I would like to take this opportunity invite you, if you are natural in English language, and have experience with blogger. Contact me if you are interested in becoming guest blogger. It’s really simple. I’ll give you material (illusions), and you are free to write whatever feels right (explanation, review of the photo etc.). You can also compose your own stuff. Let’s see how this goes…

For today, I give you Mourits de Beer’s “Count the Spots” illusion variation. As I said, it is variation of very famous optical illusion, that was used many times, even in some commercials. As simple as the picture below seems, it hides mysterious orange spots (in the grid crossings). Your assignment is to count them. Can you manage? This is what Mourits said: “Another illusion I somehow found while messing around. I’m sure that I don’t need to explain”.

90 Replies to “Count The Orange Spots Illusion”

  1. Just count the red squares.
    i’ve seen like a 100 of these illusions, isnt there anything else?

  2. first comment?!
    um… i see the spots but wenever i try focusing my eyes on them they disappear! they’re on most of the grid crossings but i dont no if they’re on all of them.
    someone help me out?

  3. Well, not 182, 181 because you dont see a dot on the point your focusing on.

    Well, actually 0 dots. Its just an illusion =P.

    P.S. yes i made it

  4. i aer colourblind, this one doesn’t work for me. interesting, but thats the only interesting thing about this recycled illusion. come on, give us some real stuff

  5. Give ’em a break. If you don’t like the published illusions – go find your own and submit them!

    I’m tired of the complaints – love the site, love the illusions – even the ones similar to others.

    Keep up the good work and good luck on the guest blogger/co-editor project!

  6. I don’t feel so bad. I’m not the only one who doesn’t see orange dots. Bur I am sure they are there, but where?

  7. I don'[t get it. Are we counting the orange squares? I count 14 across and 15 down. When I look at any orange square, it doesn’t disappear. What is supposed to happen?

  8. also, if u stare at the picture long enough and look somewhere blank, like the wall,ull see the picture in reverse, with cyan squares and red crossings

  9. Wow thats alot of dots i would never have the patience needed to count all of those, yet for my exam i counted the ceiling tiles but thats a diffrent story!

  10. The illusion dots actually look green to me for some reason . . . I’m betting its just my vision being messed up and all though.

    You can’t count the dots anyways, because they aren’t there.

  11. to tell you all the truth i see one…if i focus on the center then i see one really big in the middle like with only the 10 blocks in each corner not included in it.

  12. to tell you the truth i see only one big dot. when i focus in the middle all of it is orange except the 10 squares in each corner

  13. yup………… there is no orange dots in that pic. it’s red dots.

    focus is the right answer!!!

  14. …I agree, there are exactly 182 orange dots, some of them are visible, some of them not, because they dissapear and then they are there again

  15. common stop calling this column as Might Optical Illusion abt silly run of the mill illusion ….really disappointed with the kind of stuff thats coming up these days ..GUYS PLEASE REINVENT

  16. Oh dear oh dear, there are no orange spots. Why are people putting down how many they can count? I know how/why the illusion works but am not going to bother explaining the internal workings of the human eye and the signals it sends to the brain when confronted with an image like this. Yes I can see orange spots. But the question is how many orange spots are there? The answer is none. Live with it, deal with it!

  17. You can see the dots its just when you look at the orange dots they turn blue and when you dont look at them they are orange. If you dont see them then it means your stupid or color blind.

  18. there are 182 dots….
    but all iilusion at a time u dont see all…
    its just maths involved with the illusion isnt it?

  19. cool that is so so so so so so so much cool i have to go tell my mom my dad and my sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. 182 but you can also se the ones off the illusion when you are counting the side ooo so do we count those too?

  21. i do not see any orange spots, instead i see vertical gray/blue lines running down the middle of the red squares


    1. I am pretty sure that there are 169 orange dots because the last blue line on all sides does not have dots

    1. they can count, except they are counting the squares not dots (they can’t read descriptions/titles though).

    1. Yeah! You’re right! I’ve read about this illusion somewhere (your eyes make the dots or something) anyhoo there are no dots in reality!

  23. You guys happen to be mistaking the squares for spots.

    It takes a while to notice, but after a certain amount of time staring at the picture, you’ll see orange spots appearing on the intersections of the blue lines.

    I’m pretty sure that’s what he’s talking about.

  24. If there was an orange dot at every intersection, there would be 14×13=182.

    But I guess the illusion is that there actually are NO orange dots at all.

  25. It’s there! Look closely. Try to move your eyes from the red to blue then to red again continuously. There will be a slight orange dots in the out corners of the squares. It will be gone and appear again.

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