Anh Pham’s Strange Pattern

Two days ago Anh Pham joined our fan group, and submitted some home-grown optical illusions to our Facebook fanpage (hint: good place to preview unpublished stuff). One particular item Anh sent captured my attention. Check the pattern attached to this post. Is it only me, or does the central circular pattern appear to move every time I look at it, and move my head slightly?

Anh Pham Strange Illusion

42 Replies to “Anh Pham’s Strange Pattern”

  1. that’s a good one! also if you move towards or away from the image, if interior pattern appears to expand/contract!

  2. I like this one :D I kinda didn’t see it moving that much, but this one caught my mind:

    Do you think that lighter circle is a small piece on top of big darker table etc, or is that big dark thing something that has a hole, through which you can see some other surface?

  3. Yeah it does. Kinda like there is a hole in a sheet of paper (with a pattern on it) and you can see the center paper through the hole.

  4. it’s not a circular pattern, it’s a grid in a circular area… yeah it appears to move, but only with the big image, it looks still in the igoogle applet.

  5. It seems like the pattern in the circle moves when you move your head, not the actual circle itself. but stil quite an interesting and kwl illusion :D

  6. The central pattern does not appear to move when I move my head but it does appear to be floating over the background pattern.

  7. If you relax your eye’s, like if you were doing a Magic Eye thing, the center image splits into two and you have two centers.

  8. I find that if you move your head back and forth quickly while continuously looking at the center pattern it actually stops moving for me.

  9. Nice. I just want to let you know that the iGoogle widget that I have which gives me an illusion whenever you post has stopped working. I’m not sure if it is something at my end or there is something malfunctioning at Google or even moillusions that you might not know about. Thank you for all the illusions over the recent months I have thoroughly enjoyed them and hope to have the widget fixed soon! From P.

  10. ehhh… this one was kinda boring, probably cause I can’t really see it, and that may be because I’m tired… maybe I’ll look at it again later, people seem to like it.

  11. Thanks everyone, this is just little from me, you will get more interesting illusion from me in short time, if the boss of this website want to show them on.

  12. At first, yes it’s moving. But then I though that it becomes 3D if we look further.. It seems that the circle and the rectangular has a different distance from our eyes. And it seemes that the flat circle becomes a bevel. Amazing! I thought that is because of the line of the circle.

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